It was fascinating to finally arrive at the Аэропорт Домодедово (Domodedovo). The trip was nice and the visa was ok - then some difficulties appeared. First I couldn't get any rubles out of the ATM. Always a messages popped up with "No Funds". I've talked with an American guy and he had the same experience. Later i found out that this message only comes when there is no paper in the machine to print out a receipt! Obviously nobody prints out a receipt ;) Then the biggest adventure of the evening started: Traveling to the city center via Taxi. It was a good decision not to get a special offer pirate taxi but a serious company with a fixed price to be paid in advance. The airport is located 20 Km outside of the city - Unfortunately the city center is more in the south and surrounded by traffic jams. It took "4" hours to get to the hotel. So I have spent one hour more in the Taxi as in the plane.
The weather here is quite nice -4°C to -8°C at the moment. Not a big deal. I had also my big appearance at the fair today. I have presented to an audience of 50 people how I think airports can work efficiently and the challenges for the future. This was actually big fun because I was working with an interpreter. The lady was very charming and so I could tell them what I wanted. Tomorrow will also be a busy day at the fair. Russian airports will talk about their challenges in the new market.
On Friday I have to have a plan what I will do the next few days. I've already found out that running around at low temperatures is not so much fun - So i will check out a nice place and transportation there.
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