After our camel adventure in Cairo it was time to go on travel again. We have reserved a first class cabin on the train. It was quite spacey as you can see and really first class. The ride was through the night and we've arrived after 10 hours in the morning. We instantly found a hotel where we've stayed the first night. Located in the middle of the town it had a terrace with a great view.
There are two main sites in Luxor city: Temple of Karnak and Luxor temple. These ruins are amazing and surprisingly well preserved and renovated. Running through the city is a tough job. Because of the hundreds of thousand tourists every year there is a lot of hassle and annoyances.
Tomorrow we'll get up early for a flight with a balloon over the necropolis and sights of the west bank.
aha der Herr trägt N11 black red und die dame N60 in weiss - schad das der Walter keine Continental Shirts hat... freu mich auf die Fotos von Luxor
lg aus Berlin
hy nd - das geschulte auge sieht natuerlich die details ... wir bemuehen uns immer fesch zu sein. man beachte walters shirt. kein mensch gurtet sich an, schon gar nicht in einem wuestentaxi
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