We have been offline for a long time because Ethiopia had such a bad communication infrastructure. Internet was just limited available and only the local Ethiopian sites have been accessible with very poor speed. The mobile phone was completely worthless because there was no roaming. Now we are in Nairobi (Kenya) and searching for the next travel opportunities.
Later today I want to find a high speed Internet cafe where I will update the photo section. We have been in the past 14 days in very picturesque places in Ethiopia and Kenya. Leaving Sudan we traveled from Khartoum to the Ethiopian border and then continued with a round trip through the country. Later on there was a 4-day travel to Nairobi on old buses and even a truck. We are all happy now to be back in civilization again! It's now pretty easy for us to handle the frequent unexpected changes to our journey and the sometimes poor conditions of our "hotels".
Later I'll post the more detailed updates from Ethiopia and Kenya as well as the gallery update. Thanks to all who commented and sent emails. I look forward to give you a reply as soon as possible.
Hallo Edith!
Bin froh wieder etwas von euch lesen zu können und es beruhigt mich, dass es euch so halbwegs gut geht. Wenn es dir möglich ist bitte ich dich, ein Mail an mich zu senden.
deine Schwester
Grüße auch an Richard und deinem Kollegen
hello schwesterchen - mail gesendet !
hab auch langen reisebericht gesendet. wuensch dir alles gute - sende dir heisse tropische gruesse aus kenia.
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