I am now in Bali and I have already many interesting experiences to write about. First at all I am very pleased and happy for the very nice welcome of Susi, Moritz, Chris and all others. I live now in a nice apartment close to the surf camp where I have been at my previous stays. Unfortunately I couldn't manage to go surfing because my surfboard wasn't on the plane with me. It couldn't be traced on Monday when I arrived but on Tuesday it was delivered severely damaged. Now it is being repaired and I can get it tomorrow evening. Wednesday will be the first day of action for me.
Speaking about action. My first tasks on Bali where organizing: Tracing the surfboard, renting a scooter, buying an Indo telephone card... Today I went with Susi and Maria to the beach to see them surfing. After watching I went swimming and developed a new master plan. I could claim 218€ from the travel insurance when I present enough receipts. It took me half a day of hard work to buy enough things for 218€. I had to go to many different stores to find nice stuff for me.
The weather is at the moment not so nice. It rains several times a day and it is rather cold. The ocean also gets dirtier because of more rainfall. Tomorrow I want to check how to get to the surf spots and take a few pictures - I will provided next time some nice pictures
Hallo Richard!
nach langer Zeit hab ich deine letzten Blogs wieder gelesen!
Man könnten wieder neidisch werden - wie lange bist du diesmal unterwegs?
Alles liebe aus Graz, Toni
Hi Toni, Nicht neidisch werden - einfach mitkommen! Abenteuerlustige Mitreisende sind immer gerne willkommen. Ich bin jetzt bis Dezember unterwegs. Es folgt dann eine kleine Pause (ca. 1 Woche) in Österreich und dann geht es wieder weiter in die Karibik. Surfen, kiten und ein bisschen Spanisch lernen. Fix in Österreich bin ich wieder ab April.
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