Tuesday, 22 December 2009

A Christmas Special

It’s also Christmas time in Cabarete. I now that at home in Austria it’s very cold at the moment and people are jealous about me being in the Caribbean. Well it is nice to be in the Caribbean but there is always something that limits the pleasure. At the moment we suffer from repeated power cuts. Yesterday the longest one was over 17 hours and also heavy rain started. Heavy rain means heavy tropical rain causing floods and pollutes drinking water. Out of the tap comes now smelly dirty brown water. But talking about good and bad things this is perfect timing! Last week I had two crashes. One was with my ghetto Motorbike. Another Motorbike hit me in the side and I have a few bruises and scars. The other incident was on the big half-pipe when I got  wasted by a dirty drop-in.

On the bright side kiteboarding is quite fun and I have a very good progress. I’m now able to go left and right and even go up the wind. The things I’m working on right now are the turns and to get experienced. Especially now when there are so many kiteboarders in the water its very useful not to run too many of them down. There is also a really interesting fact about tourists. Most of the are Canadians and Americans. But the majority of tourist I’ve met are Canadians. As born in Winnipeg/Manitoba I have also met a guy from my town. That happened for the first time of my life that I have met one from “home”.

I’m very curious how Christmas will be here. I’ve been told that the 24th is a family day and also a reunion day where big families come together and new family members get introduced to the clan. As the availability of power is probably getting worse I want to wish you all already now peaceful Christmas all over the world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi richard, habe dir schon auf facebook eine kurze nachricht hinterlassen. ich hoffe, dass ihr weihnachten und silvester gut verbracht habt. edith hat mir gestern kurz geschrieben - euch scheint es also gut zu gehen. da ich jetzt wieder neu "computerisiert" bin, versuche ich gerade alles nachzuholen, was ich in den letzten monaten verpasst habe und habe gerade alle deine blogs von der neuen reise gelesen. jetzt werde ich dann mal laufen gehen und danach sind die fotos dran (va vor weihnachten bin ich naemlich ziemlich in rueckstand geraten, da ich in der kanzlei keine zeit hatte, mich privaten dingen zu widmen und mein pc daheim ja nicht mehr mitgemacht hat). ich habe mir auch schon vorgenommen, meine fotos irgendwie zu sichern bzw. die besten auf picasa zu stellen. da ich bis inkl. 10.1. urlaub habe, dürfte sich das wohl ausgehen. ich wuensche euch noch viel spass beim kiten und freue mich auf ein lebenszeichen.

bussi - johanna