After weeks of rain, power cuts, crappy Internet and much more, it seems that everything is getting back to normal. Of course the crappy Internet didn't get better. Just from time to time the connection is good enough to transmit some photos, reports and mail.
Today was a very busy day. Surf is picking up, the wind blows constantly and even skating was great today. After a day of kitesurfing the event of the day was at the skate ramp. Pro skaters from different parts of the world came together for a nice session. Even the designer of the skate ramp Helmut Ludwig, an ex skate pro from Austria, was skating. A lot of good vibes and so many pro level tricks. It was great to watch and feel the energy of the guys! In parallel to skateboarding was a big celebration at the attached bar-restaurant. The leading world champion of kiteboarding celebrated his world-championship with free drinks and attracted a big crowd.
This is now the final, extended, week in Cabarete before the trip to Cuba. After Cuba I'll pick up my stuff in Cabarete and stay a few days here before I go on my final trip to Austria. I hope there to do all the many things there are already on my task list in quick time to focus on some decent snowboarding. After all the sun and warm temperatures I look forward to some action in the snow and already miss it.
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