Thursday, 8 September 2011

Boston: The End Of A Long Round Trip Through New England

Today We've mastered the final stretch of our journey to Boston. After a rainy wake-up and two episode of My Name Is Earl we had a relaxed start. We've chosen a ride down on Route 1 south to Boston along the coast. Even the weather was rainy and foggy all along we have seen some great laid back places.

Later on we've arrived in Boston and went shopping, had a stroll at the historic harbour and a look at MSS Constitution and finally a long visit a the museum of fine arts. On the way out of the city we've fund a wonderful Thai restaurant that really made our day.

Tomorrow we move to our new places where we stay during university and the field trip. It will be quite tricky to arrange everything an finally we have to bring our car back. Let's have a look how everything works out!

...more tk

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